Explorers Connect

Sudan - Discover the Ancient

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Sudan - Discover the Ancient!

We will be in Sudan for the next 3 months and would like to go on a trip through the country, we have been there twice but it definitely is not enough to get to more far away places. We would like to combine the desert and bush with the ancient monuments there. The trip will start in Khartoum and last about 3 weeks. We will first make our way up the Nile to visit Old Dongola and little Nubian villages, before heading towards the Meroe Pyramids (an absolutely stunning and magical place) and the 2 remote temples of Musawarat and Naga, before crossing the Bayuda desert to go to the Red Sea, where we would like to dive.

Apparently diving here is pristine, there are shipwrecks and remains of Jacques Cousteaus underwater experiments. All quite exciting...especially if one encounters the hammerhead sharks there!From there we will continue into unknown territory, down towards Kassala and further to the Dinder National Park - said to be a wild and remote area. There are nearly no tourists here, so we would be quite excited to see it.

From Dinder we will make our way back to Khartoum.We will travel in 4x4s and mostly sleep in the desert. Food etc. will be shared.Sudan is a country which is not overrun by tourists, often locals wonder, what one si doing there. Sudanese people are among the most friendly on the whole continent. An ideal base to dive into their culture!Photographers welcome - as its a very photogenic country!