Explorers Connect

Round Ireland Swim

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Ripley will attempt an 850-mile ultra adventure swim round Ireland. It is an enormous challenge mentally, physically and emotionally battling cold, monotony, fatigue, storms, jellyfish, hunger, and isolation.

When successful, he will be the first person to have swum the entire distance around Ireland.He will attempt the arduous task of swimming the 850-miles in a clockwise direction to go with prevailing winds and currents battling the Atlantic Ocean. He will then head across the crown of Northern Ireland and into the narrow Northern Channel heading south through the Irish Sea and Saint George's Channel and into the Celtic Channel. Then it's homeward bound back into the Atlantic Ocean finishing at his start point in Derrynane, County Kerry.Equipped with wet-suit, thermal swim hat, and swim mask, will swim in sea temperatures between 10 17 degrees centigrade, (50 63 Fahrenheit) up to 12 hours per day.

His Round Ireland Ultra Adventure Swim will take him over high Atlantic swells, through furious storms, heavy squalls and adverse weather.The daily routine will be divided into *two-six hour sessions. During the swim, Ripley will feed and drink in the water every thirty to forty-five minutes. Between the two six-hour sessions, there will be hours of rest on the support boat where he will sleep and consume a high carbohydrate, fat and protein diet as well as rehydrating.Ripley will also wear an interactive tracker that will update his position in real time to the Round Ireland Swim website.

Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis In 2011, Ripley will be fundraising in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland (MS Ireland).*-Subject to tidal and weather conditions