Explorers Connect

Wanderer or Adventurer

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I'm looking to start a two month experience somewhere in the world this summer (2014). I'm not picky about where I go or what is done during the experience. About the only thing that matters is that I experience something new and adventurous. I typically travel by myself and to be honest am not an expert in any adventure sports. That becomes a problem that although I regularly hike 20 to 30 miles, scuba dive, mountain bike, and other things, I don't consider myself at a level to join a dedicated cycle team or any other 'extreme' teams. Just some of the things that I thought about are: motorcycle or cycle trip through South East Asia, Mongolia, or Africa (really anywhere that's not a war zone) A two month hiking trip anywhere in the world Sailing or rowing (1-2 months) trips Jungle hiking (South America or SE Asia) Joining some of the races on theadventurists.com       I'm a (American) professor by trade living in Dubai, but in my heart I'm a citizen of the world and an avid explorer. I've been to nearly sixty countries and have seen most of the top level 'touristy' attractions around the globe. I can't imagine I'm actually saying this, but much of the thrill is gone from backpacking from hostel to hostel. I'm now looking for something more exciting and I'm not that picky of what I do during my two month vacation in the summer.
