Explorers Connect

Cycling the Coral Triangle - team mates wanted

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

The Coral Triangle is the worlds hotspot for marine biodiversity, home to the most vibrant coral reef ecosystems. I am planning a 14-month bicycle tour of the area, covering the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The purpose of this journey is to document the natural beauty and extraordinary biodiversity in our oceans, the people and cultures that depend on it, and to raise some money for marine conservation (mainly via the WWF's Coral Triangle Program). I am looking for team mates willing to join me for part of the route (for a period of a month or so). Particularly enthusiastic people willing to bring new perspective and abilities to the project! No experience required. The trip will be mostly by bike, with occasional use of ferries and planes, and will involve extensive diving and/or snorkelling, visits to marine reserves and nature parks, and interviews with local people and scientists/conservationists working in the area. We have already contacted many NGOs and conservationist in the area, and have received enthusiastic support and offers to host us when we visit.
