Explorers Connect

Mountaineering Team Mate

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I'm looking for an adventure mate (or mates) to climb several high volcanoes in the Chilean and Argentine Andes.The plan is to spend2.5 weeks, aclimatizing and climbing several peaksin order to climbthe highestvolcano in the world (Ojos del Salado, 6893m). This is also the second highest peak in South America, only 70 meters shy of Aconcagua. This trip willbe starting and ending inMendoza Argentina on April 3rd toApril 20th.Estimated cost would be approximately $3000 per person. About me: I'm a girl, mid-thirties, with Alpine mountaineering experience. I was also a volcanologist in my previous career and have climbed volcanoes all over the world. This will be my firstexperience climbing above 5000m.
