Explorers Connect

Interact with Humpback Whales

OtherBelinda KirkComment

Another World Adventures is excited to announce that this April, marine conservation sail boat Sea Dragon is offering a once in a lifetime trip to interact (view to swim) with humpback whales and wild spotted dolphins in the Silver Banks as part of a filmed research trip they are making to the area.

Sea Dragon is a sailboat on a mission.It's a powerhouse for innovative marine conservation and promoting biodiversity in our oceans. A not-for-profit organisation, their mission is simple: - To actively strengthen the health of marine life through Exploration, Conservation and Education work. - To inspire and develop a new generation of leaders in conservation science, communication, education, art and policy leadership. Sea Dragon supports, enables, connects and sometimes, leads the many talented people working on marine conservation worldwide. They go to sea to observe, document, learn, listen and communicate. As J.Y. Cousteau believed, we must go and see for ourselves. There is space for just 8 guest crew to join the experts for a leg of the two part expedition (7th - 17th April - humpback whales) and 24th April - 4th May wild spotted dolphins). No sailing experience is needed, just the right attitude and spirit to take on this extraordinary marine adventure which will be led by a respected oceanographer, filmmaker and local specialist whale scientist for 10 days. The whale trip takes place at the end of the season and it is most likely we will be alone with the whales. The sense of wilderness will be strong as we anchor in the middle of the ocean behind a reef with no islands in sight.

We can expect to find mostly mothers and calves swimming with us in the waters. It is quite unique and special. The whales come here to seek protected waters to have their calves and mate. Each of the participants will receive a top quality DVD of the 10 day expeditions; being so close to the great whales is a life-changing experience, and under the guidance of these leaders, it is the ultimate experience in marine adventure. Humpback Whales - 10 days, 7th April 17th April 2013 Every year Humpback whales travel south from the Arctic to the warm tropical waters of the Silver Banks Reserve in the Caribbean to mate and give birth. North of the Dominican Republic, this semi-submerged coral reef is where the Humpbacks shelter for the winter and reproduce, offering a unique opportunity for us to get close to these ocean giants in a semi-protected environment.

On this expedition we will travel from Samana Bay, Dominican Republic to the Silver Banks to spend a few days amongst these magnificent creatures. If conditions allow we may have the opportunity to swim with them and film them underwater. Depending on the weather and how long we spend in the Silver Banks, there should be ample opportunities to explore some of the beautiful remote islands of the Bahamas as we sail to the Exumas. Wild Dolphins 10 days 24th April 4th May 2013 This expedition brings you to the heart of the Wild Spotted Dolphins environment, a relatively shallow area (6-8m deep), breathtakingly beautiful with turquoise water and shimmering white sand below. We shall guide to one of the few places in the worlds oceans where you can slip into the water and swim with wild dolphins, interacting with these magical mammals at a level which will be guarantee to be an exhilarating.experience. Dolphins come to this area to rest and socialise between their foraging periods in The Gulf Stream. The unforgettable time you'll spend swimming with wild dolphins will be filmed using our HD underwater camera.

All participants will receive a copy of this extraordinarily special exchange with nature. This expedition promises to be an exciting combination of sailing, exploration and interacting with these wonderful creatures in their ocean environment. Once you swim with a dolphin in the wild, your life will never be the same.

For more information and to apply for a place on this epic voyage give me a shout on larissa@anotherworldadventures.com