Explorers Connect

The Kindness of Strangers

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Cycling the 25,000+ km from London to Melbourne is easy. Its finding the right place and people to give away over 12,000 to thats difficult! When first confronted with the adventure of cycling half way around the world, the freezing mountain tops of Turkey, the barren lands of Iran and the chaos of India seemed daunting.

But all that is simple compared to finding community projects that are self sustainable, income generating and linked to credible long term NGOs. Its this feat that is proving to be the biggest challenge by far. Welcome to The Kindness of Strangers. An NGO that has been created to prove that 100% of raised funds can reach the people that need it and that 100% transparency is not only possible, but critical.

On this website, you can uncover how The Kindness of Strangers began and what an NGO spends their money on (and what they dont). We have a page where all our photos are uploaded and sometimes some interesting and funny posts via twitter... would love your support www.facebook.com/kindcyclists