Explorers Connect

Grants: Mountaineering and Climbing

FundingBelinda KirkComment

Peter MacKeith Climbing Grant (Alaska Alpine Club) The Peter MacKeith Memorial Endowment Fund for Climbing was established in 1981 by the family of Peter MacKeith, late president of the Alaska Alpine Club, in honor of Peter's love for climbing and of his climbing achievements in Alaska, Afghanistan, Greenland, and Iceland. The Alaska Alpine Club (AAC) was given the responsibility of distributing the earnings from the endowment for the purpose of supporting worthwhile mountaineering ventures by Club members in Alaska or elsewhere in the world. Five percent of the fund is available for grants each year. There are two deadlines for submission of proposals - December 31 and March 31. 2.5% of the fund is available for the December 31 period with the balance being available for the second period. The fund is not allowed to drop below $10,000. https://sites.google.com/a/alaska.edu/alaska-alpine-club/peter-mackeith-grant New Zealand Alpine Club NZAC members planning an overseas trip with defined and significant climbing objectives can apply for a grant from the Club's Expedition Fund. Assistance may be given for rock climbing but, because of the smaller financial commitment for such trips, they are less likely to qualify. Trekking trips with climbs of minor peaks or informal trips without defined objectives do not usually qualify. Grants are only made to Club members. Deadlines 31st January and 31st July each year. http://alpineclub.org.nz/climb/expedition-fund

Austrian Alpine Club (UK) Expedition Fund Donations to this Fund enable our section to help finance expeditions by AAC(UK) members. Since 2004, AAC(UK) donated 350 to a 'Greenland White Sea Expedition, 250 to 'Exercise Tasmanian Dragon', 500 to a Scottish Huayhuash expedition to Ecuador, 200 to an expedition to the Miyar Nala region of India, 450 to a Cambridge University Caving Club expedtion to the Dachstein Alps and 500 to a two-man expedition to Kyrgyzstan. http://www.aacuk.org.uk/ Mount Everest Foundation British and New Zealand expeditions proposing mountaineering exploration or research in high mountain regions.Up to 1,700, deadlines are August 31st and December 31st. www.mef.org.uk

Mark Clifford Expedition Grant Preference will be given to young mountaineers in new climbing areas that take the pressure off Honey-pot regions, ambitious first ascents, educational or scientific new projects or wild remote explorations - especially in the international ranges. The grant is up to 2,000 in any one application, and intended to assist small teams - two people teams preferred - with high ambitions in the mountains but small pockets! Up to 2,000. www.markclifford.co.uk The Mugs Stump Award Applications are reviewed for how they further the legacy of Mugs Stump with climbs proposed in the spirit of adventure and exploration, and that emphasize light, fast, leave-no-trace climbing. Award applicants are evaluated on the strength of their objective, the strength of their team, and on an objective that raises the bar defining what is possible in alpinism today. Applications are due by December 1 and trips must be taken between March, of the year awarded, and the following February. Winners will be announced by January 31st of each year. http://mugsstumpaward.com/ Mount Everest Foundation Alison Chadwick Memorial Grant To further British and Polish women's mountaineering in the greater ranges. Up to 300, deadlines are August 31st and December 31st. www.mef.org.uk Nick Estcourt Award Expeditions attempting an objective of mountaineering significance. This might be a previously unclimbed face, ridge or summit or a repeat of an existing route in more challenging style or conditions. Applications are considered solely in terms of their mountaineering merit; other objectives are not taken into account.

Up to 1,500, deadline December 31st each year. www.nickestcourtaward.org/ American Alpine Club Mountaineering Fellowship Grant Looking to push your limits? Twenty-five or younger? Fuel your inspiration with a Mountaineering Fellowship Grant. Started in 1966, Mountaineering Fellowship Grants have long encouraged American climbers age 25 years and younger to go into remote areas and seek out climbs more difficult than they might ordinarily be able to do. Unexplored mountain ranges, unclimbed peaks, and difficult new routes will be looked upon with favor. The grants are made available through the Boyd N. Everett, Jr. Memorial Fund, the John R. Hudson Memorial Fund, the Rick L. Mosher Memorial Fund, Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI Challenge Fund), and from annual contributions from the public. Grants are usually between $300 and $800 and help to cover travel, gear, or other expenses that you need to make your dream a reality. Deadlines are the 1st April and 1st November each year. http://www.americanalpineclub.org/grants/g/9/Mountaineering-Fellowship-Grant Scott Fischer Memorial Conservation Grant The American Alpine Club established the Scott Fischer Memorial Conservation Fund in memory of Scott Fischer, who lost his life on Mount Everest in May 1996. The goal is to help fund environmentally proactive expeditions to mountain regions throughout the world. To qualify, expeditions should meet the following criteria:Propose a well-planned mountain conservation projects. Projects attempting to remove past expeditions' garbage and equipment or similar projects are given priority. Expeditions must exceed normal expedition clean-up procedures as outlined by the host country or land manager. Awards are typically around $300. Applications before March 1st. http://www.americanalpineclub.org/grants/g/11/Scott-Fischer-Memorial-Conservation-Grant

Lyman Spitzer Cutting Edge Climbing Award - Through the generous contribution of Lyman Spitzer, Jr., a long-time American Alpine Club member and lover of the mountains, the AAC initiated the Lyman Spitzer Climbing Grants Program. This program promotes state-of-the-art, cutting-edge climbing through financial support of small, lightweight climbing teams attempting bold first ascents or difficult repeats of the most challenging routes in the world's great mountain ranges. $12,000 is awarded annually to three to six endeavors that best meet the criteria for cutting-edge climbing. December 1st deadline for expeditions departing no later than December 31st of the next year. http://www.americanalpineclub.org/grants/g/7/Lyman-Spitzer-Cutting-Edge-Award

Army Mountaineering Association The AMA frequently awards grants to its members, subject to certain conditions, to assist with the financial burden of participating in an expedition. The Grants Sub-Committee reviews every application on its own merits, and awards a grant depending on factors such as technical mountaineering or climbing content and personal financial contribution. http://www.armymountaineer.org.uk/expeds/grants.html Chris Walker Memorial Trust This grant is designed to encourage and support Exploration of the Greater Ranges . Applications are welcomed from aspiring Greater Ranges climbers who need help to fund expeditions with the objective of establishing new routes, repeating rarely attempted lines or visiting unexplored areas. 1,000 per year, deadline is the 1st December each year. The award may be given to one applicant or be split between two applicants. Successful applicants will be expected to provide a summary expedition report and photos for use on our website. http://www.chriswalkertrust.co.uk/exploration-expedition-fund/ The Petzl Foundation Acting on behalf of the environment was already part of the Petzl companys practices.The Petzl Foundation supports projects while focusing on the balance between man and his cultural, economic and ecological environment.

Beyond offering only financial support, the Petzl Foundation will follow you through your project. The project should - aim to protect natural areas whose natural and leisure environments are directly threatened anywhere in the world - link with the outdoor activities like rock climbing, mountaineering, or for the professional area, work at height - focus on core problems and relate to preventive and not curative action (for example, pollution clean-up projects will not be selected) - directly involve the public, - have a timeline and be results-oriented, with quantifiable objectives - be sustainable: have a cycle of a minimum of one to two years, - create true public consensus - be proposed by a non-profit organization. http://www.fondation-petzl.org/en/propose-project This list will be added to as we learn of new opportunities, if you hear of any new grants or know of any which are not listed here then please write to us using the blue SEND A MESSAGE button at the top or post a Comment below."