Explorers Connect

Machair to Munro

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

This expedition has now begun: Follow me at www.willcopestakemedia.com and track on http://punkt.luxson.com/MachairToMunro2013/.

Introducing the concept of Doorstep adventure by solo sea kayaking around Scotland and summiting all 283 Munros (mountains over 3000ft) using a bicycle as transport between. Like most students I have travelled, in 2009 I solo hiked the 8 great walks of New Zealand and in 2011 hiked on foot 650km across Iceland. I have always felt that I do not know my own home country as I should. It is with this in mind that I am embarking on a nine month expedition here in Scotland. I aim to introduce the concept of Doorstep adventure and ask in light of the independence debate, what is Scotland?

The trip entails a solo circumnavigation by Sea kayak around the coast of Scotland followed by an ascent of all 283 Munro mountains (Greater than 3000ft). The travel between mountains and inland border of Scotland will be completed by Bicycle. To make this happen I have stripped, fibreglassed and gel coated the hull of a 15 year old kayak, hand carved my own paddles and dried my own trail food. I now train/fund-raise by carrying 20L of water to the top of a local mountain to sell tea each weekend.

The exact details of my expedition are available at: http://willcopestakemedia.wordpress.com/expeditions/machair-and-munro-expedition-june-2013/