Explorers Connect

Grants: Polar and Arctic Expeditions

FundingBelinda KirkComment

Scott Polar Research Institute Arctic Club Award The Arctic Club Award is given to an expedition selected from those who apply to the Gino Watkins Memorial Fund. It is given, usually annually, to a sporting rather than a scientific expedition composed of young people. Up to 1,500, deadline January 31st each year. www.spri.cam.ac.uk/about/funding/ginowatkins/form.pdf Augustine Courtauld Trust Assisting expeditions to the Arctic or Antarctic, up to 2,000, deadline March 1st each year. www.augustinecourtauldtrust.org

The Gino Watkins Memorial Fund The Gino Watkins Memorial Fund, under the joint trusteeship of the University of Cambridge and the Royal Geographical Society, gives grants towards expeditions that meets its objectives of guiding and inspiring enterprising young people towards scientific research and exploration in the polar regions. The Fund is grateful to the Augustine Courtauld Trust for its continuing financial support. The Fund was set up in 1933 in the memory of Henry George (Gino) Watkins who had drowned, whilst kayaking, off the coast of East Greenland the previous summer. The purpose of the Fund is to inspire and guide enterprising, particularly young, people towards exploration and research in the polar regions. http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/about/funding/ginowatkins/

Andrew Croft Memorial Fund The Andrew Croft Memorial Fund was established in 1998 to preserve for future generations the life, spirit and hopes of Colonel Andrew Croft DSO OBE, Arctic explorer and wartime commando. Aims at supporting the advancement and education of young people by the provision of grants in support of Arctic expeditions. http://www.acmf.org.uk/

The Arctic Club Award The Arctic Club Award was established at the start of the new millennium, to support young enthusiasts on adventurous expeditions to the arctic regions. The fund is administered by the The Gino Watkins Memorial Fund. Each year they can designate one or more expeditions as recipients of an Arctic Club Award. The chosen expeditions receive a combined grant from the Gino Watkins Fund and the Arctic Club Award. Members of each expedition will be invited to the next annual Arctic Club dinner. http://www.arcticclub.org.uk/award.html

Scottish Arctic Club The Club has a small expedition fund from which it can make modest awards to encourage young people to explore the Arctic. The size and number of awards made is determined by the relevance of the application and the funds currently held. Awards may be given to either individuals or small groups. Awards favour small independent expeditions being undertaken by people under 30 years of age with strong Scottish connections. Expeditions must be to the Arctic. http://www.scottisharcticclub.org.uk/wp/expedition-grants/ T