Explorers Connect

Looking for team mate to plan an adventure June 2013

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I will be on the brink of finishing my medical degree in April 2013 and will have 2-3 months to be able to do something before the confines of working life hold me down (for a couple of years at least!). So Iam aiming to do my medical placement in Myanmar before travelling around SEAsia.Iwould love to do something that would be a bit different. Iam a keen sportswoman, have done a spontaneous charity 1000 mile cycle and Iam just wondering if anyone would be interested in planning an adventure from scratch during this period. Iam open to every suggestion and just want to experience something fantastic.So if anyone would like to just see where this could take us, please don't hesitate to contact me. The only requirements are to be flexible and open to everything. And a joke or two wouldn't go a miss.
