Explorers Connect

Cancer Survivor treks through the jungle to open a trail for cancer research on the Amazon 5000 Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The Amazon 5000 - For the Cure foundation, www.amazon5000.com, announced today that special forces veteran and cancer survivor, Mickey Grosman, is making history on the Amazon 5000 Expedition. He has already covered hundreds of miles on his mission to reignite the fight against cancer and to inspire children currently battling cancer. Mickey his team are currently on Leg 5 out of 12 on his year long, 5,000 mile expedition across the South American continent.

This leg is monumental as they will be making history by forging a route where Francisco De Orellanas famous 1541 El-Dorado voyage was forced to turn back due to the impassable terrain and harsh conditions. Mickey is leading a team of 6 through the virtually impenetrable terrain of the Eastern Andes through the Sumaco National Park in Ecuador, creating a path through the unexplored region never crossed by man before. This area is notorious for its unrelenting rain. By creating this path Mickey will be opening a opportunity for future researchers to study the plant life of this region. 70% of the plants with anti-cancer properties are native to tropical rainforests just like the Sumaco region.

It is Mickeys hope researchers will find in this never before seen vegetation, a cure to cancer. After opening this trail Mickey is descending the brutal Eastern Andes to the tropical rainforest and will continue on the Amazon 5000 expedition, making his way along the mighty Amazon River and through the dense jungles of Ecuador, Peru, Columbia and Brazil.

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