Explorers Connect

Ketengbang Expedition

CommunityBelinda Kirk1 Comment

The aim of this expedition was the Eastern Jayawijaya mountains (formerly: Star mountain) and the headwaters of the Taritatu River (formerly: Idenburg) in Papua / Irian Jaya. Due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of this mountain region, it has remained virtually unknown until today.

The demanding and exhausting trek took us through the territory of the Ketengban tribe. Black Magic is omnipresent. Before a woman comes down, a temporary hut is built it where she brings her baby to the world. Afterbirth and hut are incinerated after the birth so that the placenta can not be eaten by pigs. otherwise that would cause that the pigs will no longer grow. This tribe uses its natural medicine for the treatment of diseases. A cure for cancer is obtained from the Pandanus fruit for example.

Traditional ceremonies are performed at birth, death and building a house. We were four experienced adventurer and have dared as first foreigners and white people to cross the territory of the Ketengban tribe in Papua. The report follows in the near future.