Explorers Connect

Paraglide Tajikistan 2012

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

In the late summer of 2012, William Palmer and Simon Vacher together withtheir paragliders plan to make a crossing through some of the most remote and highest mountain landscapes in a bold journey across Tajikistan. The route has never been attempted before and will demand great skill and persistence but in the eyes of these dreamers represents the ultimate playground.Will Palmer at the time will only recently have returned from the Afghanistan's Secret Peaks expedition. He has in recent years proved himself to be one of the most accomplished pilots in the world of cross country vol bivouac flying.

In 2010-2011 he pioneered flying sites throughout Tajikistan, Krygyzstan and Afghanistan. Whilst in Pakistan he set new routes through the biggest mountains on earth flying up to 23,000ft and in excess of 100km a day. Simon Vacher, a film maker from the UK also shown himself an invaluable team member with his passion for flight expressed worldwide. His pedigree is proven in recent flying in Nepal and twinned with his film skills should allow for unprecedented perspective in this exciting expedition.Starting at Panjakent near the Uzbek border the pair will fly east in to the bigger mountains.

Moving many kilometers each day and sleeping high in the mountains they will progress towards, and fly the length of the 77km Fedchenko glacier nestled among many 6000m peaks and overlooked by the imposing 7134m Peak Lenin. Far from any support with all they require on their backs they will eventually finish their journey near the Chinese border, away from any form of civilisation, and after over 800km of flying.This part of Central Asia is often overlooked by the paragliding world because of its remoteness, but the pair recognise great potential in the area. The expedition represents a great challenge, one which may prove a bridge too far, but is sure to be a truly great adventure.