Explorers Connect

Bondi By Bike

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

It was a dark and stormy night, January 2010. Well, it was dark, at least, it was dark inside the pub. It was definitely January. Over a couple of litres of beer, Matt and I concocted the harebrained scheme to cycle from London to Sydney, Australia.

Although lager had much to do with this, it was also a sense of ennui that we felt that helped fuel the desire to do something amazing with our lives. We believe that life is short and you only get one (unless you're a buddhist, or a cat). Therefore it is our duty to have as many incredible experiences as we can fit into a lifetime. Logistics and IT just weren't providing the kind of earth-shatteringly brilliant lives we were after. We also thought that we might be able to raise some money for the tragically worthwhile cause of children suffering in the midst of or aftermath of war. You can help them also, visit here:http://www.justgiving.com/thecyclediariesand donate loads of money to War Child. Sell your car and TV, re-mortgage the house, but please donate.

After a year and a bit of scrimping and saving, preparation and planning we set the proverbial sail and departed Trafalgar Square for Sydney... For an update on our adventures so far read our website - http://www.thecyclediaries.com