Explorers Connect

Craghoppers Ambassadors

OtherBelinda KirkComment

Craghoppers - World travel clothing experts and sponsors of the 'Best of Kendal World Film Tour' are looking for inspiring people to become 'Craghoppers Ambassadors'.

Basically, people who are out there, doing it, living their dream, working or volunteering, basically making a difference in the world. The Ambassadors will be provided with outdoor travel clothing for hot cold climates, waterproof, anti-mosquito, sun protective etc. and in return will ask for interesting stories/pics/anecdotes for blogs, emailers, social media etc.

The Ambassadors will also feature as part of next years advertising with a profile on each individual and their work/trip. The mix we are looking for will be journalists, photographers, aid workers, aid doctors/nurses, environmentalists, geologists, film makers, adventurers, travel writers etc.

If you're interested please contact andy@cactuscreative.com and tell us your story."