Explorers Connect

Take Me On

OtherBelinda KirkComment

Hello Explorers, My question is this: does anyone have a job that needs doing between January and April 2013? After a position working in the Alps fell through, I'm left looking for something interesting, and preferably unusual, to spend these four months doing. I'm willing to go almost anywhere, and do almost anything (legalities and moralities allowing).

I can drive, scuba dive, horse ride, and, less convincingly, sail. I'm an excellent photocopier, if it comes to that, but am after a bit of an adventure.I've spent much of my time travelling, and am an anthropologist by training (and calling!) so very much enjoy getting to know the locals of wherever it is I happen to be, and am quite comfortable wandering around by myself.

I've been writing a travel blog (www.indiegandolfi.com),which I very much enjoy!So would be very happy writing and/or editing. The only catch: I'm trying to fund my way through three more years at university, so am seeking a paid position! Having chosen to return to university and retrain as a midwife, to then hopefully work with MSF or the Red Cross, this is the one thing stopping me from extending my stay in Kyrgyzstan where I am currently working as an intern.

If you think you might have something, or know someone who might have something, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Thanks, and happy exploring, Indie.