Explorers Connect

NY2SY: Solo North Atlantic Row

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A unique and historic solo row across the North Atlantic Ocean. At the end of May 2013, I will attempt to row solo across the North Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Stornoway (NY2SY). It's a distance of over 3400 miles and it will take me just over 3 months to complete the crossing.

Only 10 people have ever rowed solo across the North Atlantic and no one has ever completed the route that I am undertaking. I will leave New York at the end of May 2013. Initially, my route will take me east, roughly following a course of 40 degrees north latitude before I begin to head north east towards the UK.

I will be looking to take advantage of the Gulf Stream, and subsequently the North Atlantic Drift, to help me on my journey home. I aim to arrive in Stornoway at the beginning of September 2013.I will be rowing for up to 12 hrs each day (using a shift pattern) and will require to eat over 6000 calories per day. As well as being a personal challenge, I am also raising awareness and funds for the 'Scottish Association for Mental Health' and I have set myself a fundraising target of 100,000.

I have suffered my own problems with depression, which resulted in me going missing for several weeks in 2007, and feel strongly that any mental health issue shouldn't define who you are or what you can achieve. I completed my first row in 2008, when I rowed the 46 miles from Stornoway to Ullapool across the Minch, and ever since then I have thought about rowing across the North Atlantic Ocean. Please get in touch if you think that you, or your company, can help in anyway with sponsorship or equipment.

Thank you,

Niall Iain Macdonald