Explorers Connect

Transaltantic paddle on an outrigger canoe

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I am planning to paddle across the Atlantic on an outrigger canoe this winter. It has never been done before and I have taken 2 years to design and build the canoe, we are coming to the end of the build now.

The plan is to leave from the canary islands mid December to paddle to the Caribbean (island can be changed depending on sponsorship etc etc) the crossing should take about 40 days and even though I will never leave the canoe, I will have an escort boat by my side for the security, communications and to give me a food and water drop once a day.

This boat could take scientific observations and samples if needed. I have a site with all the info on it (sadly only in french for the moment) www.lizwardley.com and my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/LizWardley has all the latest photos and english updates.