Explorers Connect

Challenge MUNRO

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Challenge MUNRO is an attempt to break the world record for the fastest continuous round of all the Munros in Scotland, without the use of Motorised Transport! What we are trying to achieve is something special: a once in a lifetime attempt at glory.

We aim to bag all 283 Munro Mountains in Scotland, in a time of 37 Days, by walking, running, cycling and kayaking. Our man to attempt this record will be Paul Wilson, Fell Runner, with years of Marathon, Cross Country and Munro Mountaineering experience. Our main goal from this project is to raise money and awareness of two charities which are close to both Paul and Calum. Calum's selected Charity is the MS Society, because his mother has been a long term sufferer of the Disease and feels that the work the MS Society do can make a major difference in the lives of all who suffer from MS. Pauls Charity is the Royal Blind, as his mother has a rare eye condition affecting her sight.

We want to raise as much money and awareness as we possibly can. The project is ongoing with the record attempt scheduled for Summer 2014. Challenge MUNRO will push the boundaries of physical endurance, pushing the body harder and faster. We will go beyond the realms of human possibility by achieving the unachievable. Mind, body, soul and nature will become one in this tantalising journey across 1,600 miles of Scotlands harshest, but stunning beautiful, terrain. Challenge MUNRO will climb 130 Vertical Miles. Challenge MUNRO is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest 30 times. We will give new meaning to the term Endurance and we will not just endure; we will conquer; we will succeed and, more importantly, we will bring home a new world record. www.facebook.com/ChallengeMunro Twitter @challengemunro