Explorers Connect

Ellesmere Island circumnavigation complete!

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Back in May we reported about expedition leader and author Jon Turk setting off to attempt the first circumnavigation of Ellesmere Island in modern times. Now we can offer our congratulations, as he's completed the incredible feat in 104 days!

This simple yet effective message appeared on Jon blog on August 20th - ""Erik Boomer and Jon Turk travelled 1485 statute miles in 104 days, skiing on rigid fast ice, jumping from flow to flow on moving pack ice and finally paddling through ice choked water."" Many areas they traversed have seldom been visited by humans. Ellesmere Island is located high above the Arctic circle, and one of the closest points to the North Pole. Even in summer it is an extremely challenging place to survive, and this expedition pushed the adventurers to their limits. Jon's blog is a great source of exciting tales for the vicarious traveller.

Just a few days before they finished Jon sent this text to appear on his site "bad boy bear bites hole in tent while we sleep and 5 of his buddies watch." I'm sure we're all keen to hear more about this one! To read more of his, click here, and keep an eye out for more news and stories once Jon and Erik have suitably recovered from their journey. Well done, guys!