Explorers Connect

Polar explorer ready for South Pole record attempt

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Adventurer Jason De Carteret is preparing for an attempt to break the record for the fastest overland crossing to the South Pole.

He recently appeared in London with his new bio-fueled 4x4 vehicle which will be used on the upcoming expedition in Antarctica. The 45 year old Guernseyman is aiming to beat his own record, set in 2005. He said: ""The record was held by a Japanese national on a motorbike and stood at 24 days. In 2005 we had a team in a six wheel vehicle and we took that record down to two days 21 hours and 21 minutes, so we really smashed that. "My anticipation for this one? Two days, 21 hours and 20 minutes. One minute faster would still be a record. We just don't want to do it one minute slower. Safety is number one, but if I can get it between the world record and two days I would be over the moon. "If we could break the two day bar that would be more than remarkable. The issue is whether we are lucky with the conditions. That will have a greater determining factor on our attempt".

 The challenge will also commemorate the centenary of Norwegian Roald Amundsen's successful expedition to the South Pole, the first in history. Captain Robert Falcon Scott's British team all perished during their attempt in the same year.

Keep an eye out for news on De Carteret's departure date and progress in the coming months.