Explorers Connect

Antarctica School Competition in Memory of Captain Scott

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Would you like a flag of your design to be part of the sledging team to Antarctica?

Young people in Plymouth and the UK are being invited to fly the flag on an Antarctic expedition in memory of one of Britain's greatest heroes. The aim is to design a pennant to be flown on a memorial trek marking the 100th anniversary of the death of Plymothian Captain Robert Falcon Scott. The winner and runner-up will have their flags proudly flown on sledges on the International Scott Centenary Expedition (ISCE) to be led by Plymouth adventurer Antony Jinman early next year. The Polar explorer will lead the teams on foot into the interior of the frozen continent to the spot where Scott and his party died returning from the South Pole in 1912.

The two successful flag designers will also win a Blu-ray DVD of the historic film of Scott's expedition, Great White Silence. The documentary was made by the official photographer and film-maker to the 1912 party, Herbert Ponting. Released in 1924, the film has been restored and is being re-released by the British Film Institute (BFI). Mr Jinman will also visit the winner's school to give a talk about Scott, the ISCE and his Education Through Expeditions learning project. Mr Jinman said: ""Traditionally, all the expeditions carried the flags, including Scott's. They are usually triangular and carry a motto. ""Great White Silence looks incredible. It is like it was shot yesterday."" Scott led an international expedition to Antarctica from 1910-12 to explore the continent and be the first to reach the South Pole. Scott and his team were beaten to their goal by Norwegian Roald Amundsen. They died of exposure and malnutrition on the 1,600-mile return journey. But the story of their bravery and endurance ? recorded in Scott's diaries and letters discovered with his body ? remains one of the greatest tales in the history of human exploration.

The ISCE trek is one of a series of events marking the Scott centenary. Mr Jinman said the aim was to keep alive the memory of Scott's achievements and to 'inspire future generations to follow their own aspirations in life'. The flag competition is open to school-age children from throughout the UK. The closing date is November 7. For details go to the websites www.isce2012.co.uk or www.etenews.org, email info@etehome.org or call 01752 588347. To obtain a copy of the entry form email isce2012@gmail.com or call 01752 588346 for a digital or hard copy to be sent to you. Your school and class can follow this historic expedition as well as use our cross curricular activities, white board programmes and discussion boards to be part of this expedition.

If you're interested and would like to sign up your school, please visit www.eteteachers.org (Text from article in the Plymouth Herald, 16/06/2011 by Martin Freeman).