Explorers Connect

BASE jumping and Arctic Surfing

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

On the 15th March this year the 'Night of Adventure' took place in London - an evening of eclectic lectures by explorers, adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Event organiser Alastair Humphreys has now begun posting a weekly video series of the stories heard at the event.The videos appear each Friday and this week the lecture is from Sam Dickenson on his recent experiences of BASE jumping and surfing in the Arctic! The format of the talk is a style called Pecha Kucha which allows 20 slides and only 20 seconds to spend on each before it rolls to the next. This idea is to give 400 seconds of frantic, concise and exciting speaking. Sam Dickenson's video is the third in a series of ten. Previously posted were Oli Broom on his cycle to the Ashes, and Bonita Norris talking about her ascent of Everest, becoming the youngest British woman ever to do so.

Keep an eye on the site for more adventurous and inspirational stories each Friday. 
