Explorers Connect

Using Paramotors for Aerial Filming and Reconnaissance for Expeditions

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Paramotors are the new tool in expeditions and aerial filming!

My name is Alex Ledger and I run SkySchool Flight Centre, a British Adventure Sports company based in Spain and the UK, specialising in courses for Paramotoring, Paragliding, Skydiving and Fixed Wing Aircraft. In the past we have used the Paramotors for a variety of practical purposes and in 2007 we supported John Blashford Snell and the Scientific Exploration Society on an expedition to Bolivia. The Paramotors were used for aerial filming, photography, reconnaissance and communication purposes in the support of a ground team who were surveying a remote meteorite crater in the Bolivian jungle.

They proved to be extremely useful and since then we have used them for aerial filming of rally car events as well as surveying work. Paramotors have also been involved in two highly publicized TV documentaries, Mission Everest and the Skycar Expedition. The Paramotors have proved to be a highly versatile and cost effective aerial platform which can be used for a variety of purposes. We are currently working on a plan to use them for Aid Relief alongside the British charity Shelter Box.

We invite anyone who believes the Paramotors could be a useful addition to their expeditions to contact us. Alex Ledger Tel: +447747 097 527 Email: alexledger@me.com Website: http://www.skyschooluk.com/Aerial-Services/"