Explorers Connect

Explorers Connect at Explore 2011 - this weekend in London

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

EC will be exhibiting at the Royal Geographical Society's Explore 2011 event this weekend. It is the expedition planning event of the year so we suggest you pop along and say hello to the EC team when you arrive!

From undergraduates undertaking their first field research to more experienced individuals who want to share their experiences and plan even more, the Explore weekend has been the starting point for hundreds of exciting journeys and fieldwork projects, providing inspiration, contacts and, most importantly, practical advice. This year?s Explore weekend will be chaired by explorer and broadcaster Paul Rose, Vice President of the Society, who will also be on hand to provide advice. Speaker topics include; an expedition across Iceland to study remote glaciers, environmental fieldwork in Mozambique studying giant elephant shrews, and journeying the length of the Amazon River.

The full Explore 2011 programme (PDF), including speakers and topics is available to download. The weekend begins with a Friday night lecture by the Atlantic Rising team  2009's recipients of the RGS-IBG/Land Rover 'Go Beyond' Bursary ? who undertook a 28,000 mile journey to discover how climate change is affecting communities around the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.