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Searching for a climbing partner to summit the five Snow Leopard Peaks.

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Searching for a climbing partner for a multi-year challenge

The Snow Leopard Peaks, all five in the 7000m elevation bracket, are the highest peaks in the borders of the former Soviet Union and have only been summited by around 550 climbers – equivalent to the number of people who’ve been to space. Less popular than the Himalayas due to their remoteness and lower fame, the Snow Leopard Peaks are nonetheless achievable for experienced mountaineers.

I expect this challenge to take up to five years, with several training expeditions leading towards two four-week (ish) trips to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan for the summits. The intention would be to do this with without guides, although in more remote areas we’d still use porters.

My hope is to find a climbing partner with some existing climbing and mountaineering experience. This includes some sport/trad climbing and knowledge of using crampons/axe and glacier/mixed terrain rope skills. If you have Alpine experience at the PD level, plus climbing skills at the 4a/4b level, then we would be at a similar start point which would be ideal.

I’d like to find someone who is UK based, or possibly in Europe, so that it’s easier to meet and train. I currently live just outside London. I’m 30 years old, an ex-Army officer, and now work as a management consultant. Outside of mountaineering I’m into caving, scuba diving, cycling and gym.

In terms of a draft plan, I’ve developed the following outline:

2024 – initial team building, training and planning

2025 – Alpine training trip (PD/AD level), with other opportunities under consideration

2026 – Alpine training trip (AD level), plus Mount Kazbek in Georgia for a 5000m summit

2027 – Alpine training trip (AD/D level), plus Stok Kangri in India for a 6000m summit

2028 – Tajikistan four week trip to summit Pik Korzhenevskaya (7105m) and Pik Communisma (7495m)

2029 – Kyrgyzstan five week trip to summit Pik Lenin (7134m), Khan Tengri (7010m) and Pik Pobeda (7439m)

This challenge will be self-funded, although there’s potentially some mountaineering grants that we could apply for.

If you’re interested in discussing further then please email me at: adamkearns102@gmail.com